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Team Calendar

Introducing the Team Calendar feature in TeamBoard TimePlanner for Jira, designed to enhance your resource planning and project management capabilities.

This intuitive, visually appealing feature provides a comprehensive overview of your team's schedules and tasks ensuring efficient time management and resource allocation.

Let's explore this functionality with:

Calendar Overview:

calendar overview (1).png

(1) Team Selection: Easily switch between different teams to display each team's tasks in the calendar view, facilitating team-specific planning.

(2) Time Range: Quickly change the calendar view monthly to get an overview of tasks and events.

(3) Assignees: View and filter tasks by assignees to see who is responsible for each task

(4) View Selection & Export

a. Today's Scroll: Quickly navigate to today's date to view current tasks and events.

b. View Mode: Customize the calendar view to display tasks and events over different periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, to suit your preference.

c. ICS Export: Export your tasks and events to the ICS feed for integration with external calendars such as Google Calendar, Outlook, etc.

d. Filter: Apply filters to the calendar using Basic Search and Quick Filter(JQL Search) to focus on specific tasks, projects, or team members.

e. All: Filter the calendar view by Tasks, Leaves and Events

(5) Issue Box: Quickly access to all issues that are compiled in Jira backlogs

(6) Refresh Button: Click to update the board according to the latest changes

(7) View Settings: Customize the appearance of the calendar view

(8) Expanded Task Overview: View more tasks, events, or holidays, ensuring no detail is overlooked in the planning.

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