Portfolio Board
The custom Portfolio Board feature provides users with the most flexible way to create and work with the Story Map. You can create a board combining multiple projects or create many boards for one project, also flexibly map the story map Levels with Jira Issue Types.
To access the Portfolio Boards list go to Apps → ProductGo and find the Portfolios tab under the Story Maps section.

You can see a list of existing boards on the page, search and order by title, and updated time.
Click on the Create button to create a new board
The first step is to choose which style of user story map you want to create, the app supports 2 levels and 3 levels of hierarchies. Then you need to input some details of the board and map the levels with Jira Issue Types.

Board name
Project style: Users can choose Team-Managed or Company-Managed projects, you can’t mix both 2 kinds of projects into one board.
Issue sources: Select the projects you want to get the tickets
First level
Label: Name of the first level
Issue Type: You must map the first level with 1 Jira Issue Type
Second level
Label: Name of the second level
Issue Types mapping: If it is OFF you can use any other Issue Types in the project. When it is ON you can only use the selected Issue Types
Third level
Label: Name of the third level
Issue Types mapping: If it is OFF you can use any other Issue Types in the project. When it is ON you can only use the selected Issue Types
Sync personas from projects: If checked, all Personas of the projects will be visible in the portfolio board, if unchecked the Personas belong to the board only.
The last step is to configure the permission

Member: select from the Jira user list
Viewer: View only, can’t update or edit anything
Planner: View and update to plan the board
Admin: Same permission as Planner but can change the settings of the board
Finally, click the Create button to save the new board.
The Portfolio story map has similar features to existing Project and Agile Board story maps. More features are under development and will be available in the future.
Some improvements compare to existing boards:
New UI
Multiple themes (default, color, dark)
Better performance