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Version 3.2.0

We are excited to announce the release of Project Portfolio Management - PPM Version 3.2.0!


PPM Widget on the Dashboard

We’ve added a new widget on the dashboard so you can quickly see key information about your projects without extra navigation.

Learn more

dashboard view.png

Boards Arranged Alphabetically

Project boards are now listed in alphabetical order, making them easier to find, especially if you have many projects.

Board Name in Workload Details

In workload views, the board name now appears along with task details, making it easier to see which board each task belongs to.

Board Name in Workload Details.png


Task Duration After Auto-Scheduling
We fixed an issue where task durations would sometimes change after auto-scheduling. Now, your task durations will stay the same, keeping your schedule accurate.

Thank you for choosing PPM as your trusted Project Portfolio Management solution. For any assistance or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Enjoy managing your projects with us!

For more details:

🤵 Book a Demo | 🙋 FAQs

📺 Watch Demo Video | 🌎 Visit site | 🖥️ Contact Support | 📑 Release Note | 🔐 Trust Center


Elevate Your Project Potential with PPM !

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