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Manage Milestones

Table of contents:

  1. Milestone Details

  2. Create a new Milestone

  3. Start & Complete a Milestone

  4. Edit & Delete a Milestone

  5. Sort Milestone

1. Milestone Details

From the milestone list, click on a milestone name to navigate to that milestone details

In the milestone details, you can find Run & Session results, its info and activities.

You are also able to create new Sub milestones, Test Runs, Test Executions and Test Sessions by clicking on + button next to them

2. Create a new Milestone

NOTE : Only Project Administrators can create, edit and delete Milestones.

You can create a new milestone by clicking on the + Milestone button on the top right corner

Fill in all mandatory fields and necessary information, then click on Submit button to save

Sprint & Release are associated with the Jira Project Sprint & Release

3. Start & Complete a Milestone

To start a specific milestone, simply click on the Start button on the right side once it is ready for execution

When you plan to complete a started milestone, click on Complete button

4. Edit & Delete a Milestone

You can edit/delete a milestone by clicking on appropriate buttons

  1. Delete

  2. Edit

5. Sort Milestone

Users can arrange milestones according to your project preferences.


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