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Related Items in TestCase

In TestCase details screen users can view and manage other items such as Requirements, Preconditions, Test Plans, Test Executions


1. Overview

In the Requirements tab, you will find a list of linked Requirements with the Test Case. You can add, archive or remove Requirements as needed.

2. Add new Requirements

You can link new Requirements by choosing + Add requirements button, and select either New Requirements or Existing Requirements

3. Select and Delete Requirements

Users can make edits on the Requirement section

  1. Bulk selection Issue key to mass select issue keys or users can singly select each issue

  2. Make deletes by choosing ellipsis icon


1. Overview

In the Preconditions tab, you will find a list of preconditions associated with the Test Case. You can add or delete preconditions as needed

2. Delete a Precondition

In order to remove a precondition out of the Test Case association, simply click on delete button in the Action column.

3. Add new Preconditions

You can add new preconditions by clicking on Add precondition, and select either New Precondition or Existing Preconditions.

4. Reorder

You can reorder Preconditions to your project preferences within Test Case feature.

Test Plans

1. Overview

In the Test Plans tab, you will find a list of linked Test Plans with the Test Case. You can add or remove Test Plans as needed

2. Remove a Test Plan

In order to remove a linked Test Plan out of the Test Case, simply click on button and select remove button in the Action column.

3. Link new Test Plans

You can link new Test Plans by clicking on Add test plan, and select either New test plan or Existing test plans.


Test Executions

1. Overview

In the Test Executions tab, you will find a list of linked Test Executions with the Test Case. You can add, archive or remove Test Executions as needed.

2. Archive and restore a test execution

In order to archive a linked Test Execution out of the Test Case, simply click on button and select archive button in the Action column

3. Add new Test Executions

You can link new Test Executions by clicking on Execute in button, and select either New test execution or Existing test executions

4. Execution test

To run a specific execution test from the Execution Test list, simply click on the Run button corresponding to that test.

This will navigate your to test execution details page with the following info

  1. Preconditions: List of preconditions of this test

  2. Steps: List of test steps

  3. Result status: Result of the test. It can be In Progress, Passed, Failed, Blocked, Query, Skipped or Retest

  4. Return to Test Execution: Navigate to Test Execution Jira issue page

  5. Previous Test: Navigate to the previous test case

  6. Next Test: Navigate to the next test case

  7. Test information: Includes number of test cases for the current test execution, and percentage of cases that have passed


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