Manage Test Execution
1. Manage Test Execution
In order to manage test execution details, and its associated Test Cases click on Issue Key link from the Test Execution list
The page shows the following information:
Milestone: Link to the Milestone feature
Overall Execution Status: The execution status for all the tests
Total Tests: Number of tests
Add tests: Add new tests to the current Execution
Issue key: Link to the Test Jira issue
Run: Run the corresponding test
Action: Remove the selected test out of the current Execution
2. Add Tests
You can add a new test or existing tests into the current Test Execution by clicking on Add tests button
2.1. Add a New Test Case
Click on Add tests -> New Test
Fill in necessary information of in the Create issue dialog
Click Create button
2.2. Add existing Test Cases
Click on Add tests -> Existing tests
In Select Test Cases dialog, you can search test cases by name, filtering with fields, or using JQL
Select all matching test cases and click on Add selected
3. Execute Test
In order to execute a test, click on run button of the corresponding Test
This will navigate your to test execution details page with the following info
Preconditions: List of preconditions of this test
Steps: List of test steps
Result status: Result of the test. It can be In Progress, Passed, Failed, Blocked, Query, Skipped or Retest
Return to Test Execution: Navigate to Test Execution Jira issue page
Previous Test: Navigate to the previous test case
Next Test: Navigate to the next test case
Test information: Includes number of test cases for the current test execution, and percentage of cases that have passed
Defects: Create new defects issue or add existing ones (from the same project or different projects from the same instance)
Evidence: Attach files as evidence to improve testing process.
Quick tips: Keyboards Shortcuts
Users can quickly toggle test cases in between one executions:
By pressing combo ‘
SHIFT + →, you can move to the next Test Case.
By pressing combo
'SHIFT + ←’, you can move to the previous Test Case.
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