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Test Traceability

Test Traceability integrates seamlessly with Test Coverage feature. This synergy ensures that users can track and trace detailed reports linked to the test coverage.

1. Test Traceability Settings

To be able to set Test Traceability

  • Go to AgileTest App

  • Choose Settings tab (Only Project Admin can access this page)

  • Choose ReportsTest Traceability

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2. Traceability Overview

Users can also use Filters to:

  • Clarify the test case's Assignees

  • Manually enter via JQL

→ The more details users specify, the more detailed the calculated report is

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Enter Generate Report to develop the test traceability.

3. Filter - Requirements & Test Execution Correlation

The output of the Test Traceability depends on the status of the requirements. Such requirement shows the status of the Test Execution of the Test Case. Make sure that the test executions have the assigned test environments in order to use filters; and to receive the most accurately calculated test traceability.

4. Report Chart

The calculated traceability is presented into colored sections

  • OK


  • NOK



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Users can manipulate the report by selecting the colored sections to hide/unhide the unwanted section

5. Traceability Scopes

User can choose one of the scopes: Latest, Version or Test Plan to calculate the coverage

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5.1. Latest

Users can choose from the existing test environments drop-down to display all test case's requirement status.

Learn how requirement status is calculated!


Choosing a specific test environment will display the requirements' run result that are associated with that specific environment.

Example: Choosing Develop Test Environment will display all the requirement's run result that are assigned with Develop Test Environment

5.2. Version


Version signify specific moments in a project's timeline. Versions can be created via Releases, under Jira Development.



5.2.1. Empty Fields - Test Environments & Version

When Test Environments and Version fields are left empty, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in all test environments AND all versions.

5.2.2. Specified Field - Test Environments & Version

When Test Environments and Version fields are individually specified, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in specified test environments AND versions.

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5.2.3. One Field is Empty

When one of the field of Test Environments and Version is left empty, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in 1 specified field AND in 1 empty field

Example: Test Environment is left empty and the Version is specified Release 1.2.4
→ Display requirements from ALL test environments, and only the ones in Release 1.2.4

No Associated Test Case or Test Executions

If both of the fields are specified but there are no associated test cases nor test executions, Test Traceability will display NOT RUN OR UNCOVERED.

5.3 Test Plan


5.3.1. Empty Field - Test Environments & Test Plan

When both fields are empty, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in all Test Environments AND all Test Plans.

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5.2.2. Specified Field - Test Environments & Version

When Test Environments and Version fields are individually specified, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in specified test environments AND versions.

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5.2.3. One Field is Empty

When one of the field of Test Environments and Version is left empty, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in 1 specified field AND in 1 empty field

Example: Test Environment is left empty and the Version is specified Release 1.2.4
→ Display requirements from ALL test environments, and only the ones in Release 1.2.4

No Associated Test Case or Test Executions

If both of the fields are specified but there are no associated test cases nor test executions, Test Traceability will display NOT RUN OR UNCOVERED.

5.3 Test Plan


5.3.1. Empty Field - Test Environments & Test Plan

When both fields are empty, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in all Test Environments AND all Test Plans.

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5.3.2. Specified - Test Environments & Test Plan

When Test Environments and Test Plan fields are individually specified, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in specified Test Environments AND Test Plan.

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5.3.3. One Field is Empty

When one of the field of Test Environments and Test Plan is left empty, the Traceability will display all requirements & its associates under the condition: present in 1 specified field AND in 1 empty field

Example: Test Environment is left empty and the Test Plan is specified Plan 2
→ Display requirements from ALL test environments, and only the ones in Plan 2

No Associated Test Case or Test Executions

If both of the fields are specified but there are no associated test cases nor test executions, Test Traceability will display NOT RUN and UNCOVERED


Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact our 24/7 Support Desk

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