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Table view

What is the Table view?

It is a powerful feature designed to empower managers and teams to visualize and manage Jira issues with enhanced spreadsheet capabilities. It seamlessly displays the Jira issue hierarchy, offering a clear, structured view of your projects.

By default, all Jira issues will be automatically synchronized to GanttTable once their projects have been added to the portfolio.

Adding a new issue

In your portfolio, you can create a new Jira issue directly in the portfolio.

Locate the + Create button at the bottom row. Click on it, and you will see options to choose which project this issue belongs to, select an issue type, and fill in the issue name.

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You can also locate the Action menu to create an issue above or below a specific issue.

Action menu

*For Epic/Story/Task/Bug issue types:

You can access this menu at the end of each issue row. In this menu, you can:

Action Menu-20241205-063351.jpg
  1. Create issue above: Add a new Jira issue above the selected issue.

  2. Create issue below: Add a new Jira issue below the selected issue.

  3. Duplicate: Make a copy of the selected issues.

  4. Create Subtask: Add a Subtask issue type that belongs to the selected issue.

  5. Delete: Remove the selected issue from the GanttTable.

When deleting an issue, all subtasks relating to it will also be deleted. There will be a popup notification to warn you about that.

*For Subtask issue type

The Action menu for Subtask issues is a bit different since the option for creating a subtask has been removed.

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Edit issues in bulk

In GanttTable, you can edit multiple Jira issues at the same time. You can select issues to edit one by one, or you can select all.

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After selecting issues, you can decide to:

  • Edit: bulk edit selected issues based on Jira fields like Assignee, Due date, Labels, Priority, Flagged, and Issue Type.

  • More actions: it will direct you to Jira's Bulk Operation page to have more actions for bulk editing issues.

  • Delete: allows you to remove selected issues in bulk.

Add more columns to the Table

You can freely add more (or remove) Jira fields and labels to GanttTable as columns to make your project planning more seamless.

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Hierarchy structure

At default, the GanttTable uses the Jira hierarchy structure to allow you and your team to manage work at different levels of granularity, ensuring that large strategic goals (Epics) are broken down into smaller, actionable tasks (Sub-tasks).

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Additionally, you can choose the Flat structure for a simpler approach to managing your work items.

Choose Flat hierarchy-20241208-170113.jpg

Custom structure

One of the best features of GanttTable is the ability to customize your own structures using your own rules to visualize and manage your portfolio.

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Learn more about how the Custom Structure works to tell a different story.

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