STEP 1️⃣. Input the reflections 💬
In Reflect 💭 stage, all meeting participants can type and create their own opinions on suitable columns. You can create as many reflections as you want. You are allowed to edit and remove your opinion cards.
The reflections of the other members are hidden during this stage 🚫.

STEP 2️⃣. Ready 🔔
Normal participants (not the facilitator) can click the READY
button when finishing raising the reflections to inform the facilitator that he/she is ready for the next stage 🔔.

Notice: When clicking the READY
button, users can not modify the reflection cards. However, they can undo the READY
step by clicking RE-JOIN
button, only in case the facilitator does not move to the GROUP stage.

The ready statuses are displayed on the top right corner of the screen, everyone can view who is ready and who is not as below:

STEP 3️⃣. Move to the next stage ⏩️
When all participants are ready (not compulsory), the facilitator can click on the NEXT
button to move to the Group stage.

Read Group for more details.