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Planning 1 issue for multiple Resources

Schedule one issue for multiple Resources

Jira by default doesn’t allow assigning one ticket to multiple assignee, with ProScheduler that’s possible. This feature has limitation and only applied when using app data for the start date and and date.

This feature is only available when the date fields are app data and not mapped with Jira fields. When mapping with Jira fields it must follow Jira’s spec only 1 assignee is allowed

Schedule one issue for multiple Resources.png

  • Using Planning dialog: When using the planning dialog for a new task or editing an existing task, you can add additional plans and assign them to different assignee

Using Planning dialog.png

  • Another quicker way is to open the card menu and choose Assign More it will show all assignable users to select

Assign More.png

Repetitive plan

This feature is only available when the date fields are app data and not mapped with Jira fields. When mapping with Jira fields it must follow Jira’s spec

You can repeat a task multiple times by assigning to the same member with different dates and working hours.

Repetitive plan.png

Here is how a repetitive plan appears on the scheduler

Repetitive plan 2.png

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