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Robot framework XML result

Import test result only

POST /ds/test-executions/robot

Parameters and request body








Key of the project where test result will be imported.



Milestone id to link to Test execution.

To retrieve Milestone id go to Milestone feature and click Copy Id.

Check out Milestone Document.



Test execution key to import test report.



Test plan key to import test report.

If you specify the Test Plan, the Tests will be added automatically to the Test Plan if they're not part of it.



A string containing a list of test environments separated by ",".



A string containing a list of fixVersions separated by “,”.



Revision to link to Test execution.

Request body will contain a XML file which is Robot report that is going to be imported. Learn more about Robot testing framework here.


curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: JWT <token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
  --data-binary '@my-report.xml'

In that, <token> is the result from previous step Get Authenticated.

Test result example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<robot generator="Robot 7.1 (Python 3.13.0 on darwin)" generated="2024-11-06T08:10:19.736165" rpa="false" schemaversion="5">
<suite id="s1" name="Tests" source="/Users/thachnguyen/Work/autotest/agile-test-sample-projects/robot/shoppingapp/tests">
<suite id="s1-s1" name="Shopping App Tests" source="/Users/thachnguyen/Work/autotest/agile-test-sample-projects/robot/shoppingapp/tests/shopping_app_tests.robot">
<test id="s1-s1-t1" name="Create Cart And Add Product" line="15">
<kw name="Create Cart">
<kw name="Log" owner="BuiltIn">
<msg time="2024-11-06T08:10:19.763580" level="INFO">Cart created.</msg>
<arg>Cart created.</arg>
<doc>Logs the given message with the given level.</doc>
<status status="PASS" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.763526" elapsed="0.000079"/>
<status status="PASS" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.763143" elapsed="0.000500"/>
<kw name="Create Product">
<msg time="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764052" level="FAIL">No keyword with name 'Create Product' found.</msg>
<status status="FAIL" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764040" elapsed="0.000029">No keyword with name 'Create Product' found.</status>
<kw name="Add Item To Cart">
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764131" elapsed="0.000006"/>
<kw name="Get Total Price">
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764207" elapsed="0.000007"/>
<kw name="Should Be Equal As Numbers" owner="BuiltIn">
<doc>Fails if objects are unequal after converting them to real numbers.</doc>
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764257" elapsed="0.000007"/>
<doc>This test creates a cart, adds a product, and verifies the total price.</doc>
<status status="FAIL" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.762860" elapsed="0.001470">No keyword with name 'Create Product' found.</status>
<test id="s1-s1-t2" name="Apply Discount To Cart" line="23">
<kw name="Get Total Price">
<kw name="Get Cart Total Price">
<msg time="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764928" level="FAIL">No keyword with name 'Get Cart Total Price' found. Did you mean:
    Get Total Price</msg>
<status status="FAIL" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764918" elapsed="0.000023">No keyword with name 'Get Cart Total Price' found. Did you mean:
    Get Total Price</status>
<kw name="Log" owner="BuiltIn">
<arg>Total Price: ${total_price}</arg>
<doc>Logs the given message with the given level.</doc>
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764980" elapsed="0.000007"/>
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765005" elapsed="0.000009"/>
<status status="FAIL" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764548" elapsed="0.000503">No keyword with name 'Get Cart Total Price' found. Did you mean:
    Get Total Price</status>
<kw name="Apply Discount">
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765106" elapsed="0.000006"/>
<kw name="Get Total Price">
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765164" elapsed="0.000007"/>
<kw name="Evaluate" owner="BuiltIn">
<arg>${total_price} - ${DISCOUNT}</arg>
<doc>Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the result.</doc>
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765208" elapsed="0.000006"/>
<kw name="Should Be Equal As Numbers" owner="BuiltIn">
<doc>Fails if objects are unequal after converting them to real numbers.</doc>
<status status="NOT RUN" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765250" elapsed="0.000006"/>
<doc>This test applies a discount to the cart and verifies the final price.</doc>
<status status="FAIL" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.764406" elapsed="0.000902">No keyword with name 'Get Cart Total Price' found. Did you mean:
    Get Total Price</status>
<test id="s1-s1-t3" name="Set Delivery Address And Date" line="31">
<kw name="Set Delivery Address">
<kw name="Log" owner="BuiltIn">
<msg time="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765693" level="INFO">Delivery address set to: 123 Main St, Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, 700000</msg>
<arg>Delivery address set to: ${street}, ${city}, ${state}, ${zip}</arg>
<doc>Logs the given message with the given level.</doc>
<status status="PASS" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765623" elapsed="0.000087"/>
<status status="PASS" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765494" elapsed="0.000237"/>
<kw name="Set Delivery Date">
<kw name="Log" owner="BuiltIn">
<msg time="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765892" level="INFO">Delivery date set to: 2024-10-20</msg>
<arg>Delivery date set to: ${date}</arg>
<doc>Logs the given message with the given level.</doc>
<status status="PASS" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765851" elapsed="0.000055"/>
<status status="PASS" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765779" elapsed="0.000145"/>
<doc>This test sets a delivery address and date for the order.</doc>
<status status="PASS" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.765373" elapsed="0.000592"/>
<status status="FAIL" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.761963" elapsed="0.004131"/>
<status status="FAIL" start="2024-11-06T08:10:19.736638" elapsed="0.029610"/>
<stat pass="1" fail="2" skip="0">All Tests</stat>
<stat pass="1" fail="2" skip="0" id="s1" name="Tests">Tests</stat>
<stat pass="1" fail="2" skip="0" id="s1-s1" name="Shopping App Tests">Tests.Shopping App Tests</stat>
<msg time="2024-11-06T08:10:19.762668" level="ERROR">Error in file '/Users/thachnguyen/Work/autotest/agile-test-sample-projects/robot/shoppingapp/tests/shopping_app_tests.robot' on line 2: Importing library 'ShoppingAppLibrary' failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ShoppingAppLibrary'
Traceback (most recent call last):
Output example
    "id": "321016",
    "key": "ATP-1856",
    "url": ""

Import test result with new execution details

POST /ds/test-executions/robot/multipart

Parameters and request body

This request does not require any parameters. Instead, you need to submit two separate files: one containing the test execution details and the other containing the imported test report.

Test Execution file structure

  1. fields object:

    • summary: Summary of Test execution issue that will be created.

    • Project id in which the Test execution will be created.

    • The identifier specifying the type of issue to be created.

  2. agileTestFields object:

    • milestoneId: The identifier of the milestone that this test execution should be associated with.

    • testPlanKeys: An array of issue keys of Test plan that this test execution is related to.

Each of these fields serves a specific purpose in creating and organizing the test execution:

  • The fields object contains standard issue creation information like what project it belongs to and what type of issue it is.

  • The agileTestFields object contains Agile Test-specific information for linking the execution to milestones and test plans.

For the report, it will be similar to Import test result only.


curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: JWT <token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'results=@my-report.xml;type=application/xml' \
  -F 'testExecution=@test-execution.json;type=application/json'

In that, <token> is the result from previous step Get Authenticated.

Regarding the test result, we will reuse the previous example.

Test execution details
  "fields": {
    "summary": "Regression test",
    "project": {
      "id": "17110"
    "issuetype": {
      "id": "16396"
  "agileTestFields": {
    "milestoneId": 5555,
    "testPlanKeys": ["ATP-364", "ATP-362"]

In this example, make sure all details provided are accurate and relevant; otherwise, the request will fail. For example, if the you specify does not exist in the project with ID 17110, the system will return an error with the corresponding error code 400 .

Output example
  "id": "321348",
  "key": "ATP-1859",
  "url": ""

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact here!

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