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Import Test results

Agile Test allows you to import test reports in XML or JSON format. Once imported, the system automatically parses the report and generates new test executions along with the associated test cases. This feature streamlines the management and tracking of test results.

We support test result formats from many popular frameworks, including JUnit, NUnit, TestNG, XUnit, and Robot Framework (XML files) as well as Cucumber and Behave (JSON files).

Manual Import

To manually upload your test result, go to Classic TestTest execution and click Import button, choose Test Framework.

Test Execution screen - Import option

Browse or drag your file into the dialog to upload it. When completed, a banner will show up informing that the process is complete.

Remember to select the correct format. Otherwise the process will fail duly.

Now, you should see a new job created in Automation Tests feature. Click Automation Tests tab from the left-side panel to access the view.

Automation Tests screen

The Automation Tests screen presents progress details of the available jobs, displayed as columns.

  • Test execution: The unique issue key identifier assigned to each test execution when it's created from an imported report.

  • Source: The origin of the test job, indicating whether it was triggered automatically (Automation) or manually by a user (Manual).

  • Framework: The testing framework used to generate the test report, such as JUnit, xUnit, NUnit, Cucumber, Behave, or Robot framework.

  • Status: The current state of the test execution job.

  • Milestone: The name of the associated milestone that this test execution belongs to, as specified in the API request parameters.

  • Test Environments: The specific platforms where the test executions were performed.

  • Fix Versions: The software versions where you plan on release the feature or bugfix to customers.

  • Test Plans: The test plan issue associated with the test execution, outlining the time scope in the testing progress.

  • Creator: The user that initiated the test job, identified by their Client key and Client secret credentials.

  • Created: The date and time when the test execution job was created, displayed in the format "Month DD YYYY, HH:MM:SS AM/PM".

  • Completed: The date and time when the test execution job finished running, displayed in the format "Month DD YYYY, HH:MM:SS AM/PM".

Import using API

Please refer to our API doc to learn more about supported endpoints API document.

As mentioned earlier, AgileTest supports the most commonly used test report types, including JUnit, NUnit, TestNG, Cucumber, Behave, XUnit, and Robot. All endpoints follow the syntax provided below.


For example, with JUnit, the endpoint would be /ds/test-executions/junit. Similarly, the same pattern applies to other report types.

Next, we will use curl to send the request.

You can use tools like Postman, Bruno, or the Visual Studio extension REST Client. There are many similar tools available, so feel free to choose the one you're most comfortable with.

Get authenticated

Before reaching this step, ensure you obtain your Client ID and Client Secret beforehand. If you have not done yet, please refer to the Agile Test - API Integration document for guidance.

You can find the below APIs via our API document, then use it inside the Authorization HTTP header:

POST /api/apikeys/authenticate

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "clientId": "<client-id>",
  "clientSecret": "<client-secret>"

You should receive a JWT token inside the Authorization HTTP header afterwards.

Submit your test result to Agile Test

Below is full list of import test result endpoints.

To try out below endpoints, please go to this link API document.

Test result format


JUnit XML format


JUnit XML format Multipart


NUnit XML format


NUnit XML format Multipart


xUnit XML format


xUnit XML format Multipart


TestNG XML format


TestNG XML output format Multipart


Cucumber JSON format


Cucumber JSON format Multipart


Robot XML format


Robot XML format multipart


Behave JSON format


Behave JSON format Multipart


Learn more in the articles below.

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact here!

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