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Fields Mapping

Fields mapping

This is where you will map the value of your Jira issues. In case you have yet to enable this feature, you can simply go to the settings.

If you don’t know how to do it, here is the guide on how to add fields to the Issue Screen for Company-managed projects & Team-managed projects.

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In this Project field mapping settings, the Start date and End date can be mapped to Jira date fields.


Progress: you can also map progression to visualize your task progression. See how to map the Progress field.

Migrating data: if you decide to use this option, it will copy all the existing date values from Routemap to Jira fields accordingly.


You can also choose to overwrite the existing data of Jira fields by using the data from roadmaps.



You've caught up! Next step: See the step-by-step guide to create a new board in Routemap.

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