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Assign Test Environment to Test Execution

A test environment refers to a controlled setup for the purpose of testing software applications, systems, or components. Users can assign test environments to test executions by 2 methods.

Method 1: Test Execution Section within Test Case

Users can navigate to Tests section under Test Management dropdown (left side panel) → Select the issue key:

  1. Choose Execute in button

  2. Choose New test execution to create Ad-hoc Execution


  3. Users can choose from the Test Environment bar

  • Develop (Development environment)

  • Staging (Staging environment)

  • Production (Production environment)

  • iOS (iOS environment)

  1. Execute Immediately can be able/disable

  2. Select Create button to create Ad-hoc execution

Method 2: Existing Test Execution within Test Case


Users can navigate to Tests section under Test Management dropdown (left side panel) → Select the issue key

  1. Choose Execute in button

  2. Choose Existing test execution , select the test execution.

  3. Navigate and to the specific test execution


Select Open Test Environments on the right side panel, choose the listed test environments → Select Save button

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