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Where is data stored?

Data for TeamBoard for Salesforce is stored in both standard objects and custom objects within the Salesforce platform.

This ensures that your data is seamlessly integrated and accessible within your Salesforce environment.

How secure is my data with TeamBoard?

Your data with TeamBoard is securely stored on Salesforce, not on our servers. Salesforce is known for its robust security measures, ensuring that your data is protected with industry-leading security protocols.

Can I export my data from TeamBoard?

Yes, you can export your data from TeamBoard. Please contact us for assistance with the export process.

What happens to my data if I uninstall the TeamBoard app?

If you uninstall the TeamBoard app, your data will be handled according to Salesforce's data retention policies. Please refer to Salesforce's documentation or contact Salesforce support for more information on their data retention and deletion policies.


What is the cost of TeamBoard for Salesforce?

You can use this limited solution for free, but must pay to increase usage, users, or features. Discounts are available for nonprofits.

This solution is FREE for up to 5 projects.

Customers with more than 5 boards can purchase additional licenses at $19 per user. Check the pricing details here.

Are there any discounts for annual subscriptions?

Please contact our sales team to learn more about available discounts at

Do you offer a free trial or demo version of the app?

Yes, a free trial is available for 30 days. You can also book a demo anytime here.

I have a problem with payment. What should I do?

All payments for TeamBoard are managed by the Salesforce Team. so if you have any problems related to payment and billing, please contact with Salesforce support team.


How does Task Tracking work in TeamBoard?

You can track tasks by the hour (scheduled and time spent), monitor task progress, and view the assignee for each task using various views such as Table view, Kanban view, and Scheduler view. Additionally, you can generate detailed reports to analyze your tasks. Learn how to do it here

Can I track time and manage timesheets within TeamBoard?

TeamBoard provides a versatile platform for logging work, viewing time logs, and managing timesheets with ease. Learn how to do it here.

How does TeamBoard assist in Project and Portfolio Management?

TeamBoard for Salesforce allows you to manage multiple projects within a single board using the Portfolio feature. Learn more about it here

Can I create and customize reports within TeamBoard?

Yes, you can create and customize reports within TeamBoard to suit your specific needs. The reporting feature allows you to tailor the content and format of the reports, providing insights and analysis that are most relevant to your projects and team performance.

How does TeamBoard help in balancing workloads among team members?

TeamBoard helps in balancing workloads among team members by providing tools to visualize and manage resource allocation. You can see each team member's capacity, scheduled tasks, and current workload using the Scheduler.

This allows you to distribute tasks evenly, identify potential overloads, and adjust assignments to ensure an optimal balance, enhancing productivity and reducing burnout.

Is there a mobile app version of TeamBoard?

No, currently there is no mobile app version of TeamBoard.


What support options are available if I encounter an issue?

If you encounter an issue, there are several support options available:

What should I do if the app is not working correctly?

Please contact our support team at Provide detailed information about the issue, including screenshots or error messages, to help us assist you more effectively.

Our support team is here to help you resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

Is there a community forum or user group for TeamBoard?

Yes, you can join the Salesforce Community to connect with other TeamBoard users and participate in discussions. The community forum is a great place to ask questions, share tips, and learn from the experiences of other users.

Can I request new features or enhancements for TeamBoard?

Yes, you can request new features or enhancements for TeamBoard. We value user feedback and continuously work to improve our app. Please submit your feature requests or suggestions to our support team at

Your input helps us prioritize and develop features that best meet your needs.

For additional questions, please send us an email at, and we will assist you as best we can.

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