General Settings
All the miscellaneous settings of the app

Workload view: change the display of workload on the scheduler by hour or percentage
Prevent planning tasks on holiday: when this setting is enabled scheduling task on the weekend and holiday is not allowed, weekend and holiday will be excluded from the reports
Default scheduled hour: The default number of hours per day when scheduling a task
Assignee Field
Auto fill Jira assignee field: if this setting is ON, when planning a task the app will also update the Assignee field in Jira issue
Keep assignee when un-planning a task: this option is only appear when the above one is turned ON. If is ON the assignee field remain unchanged when un-planning a task from member
Sync with Jira estimation fields: if the setting is ON the schedule will be synced with Original estimate and Time remaining fields
Date format: The date format appear in the app, choose to use Jira’s date format or default one
Default event marker color: The default color of the Event card