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Getting Started

Welcome to Routemap for Confluence!

This is the solution to all your planning needs. Routemap also elevates your efficiency and output by offering advanced roadmapping and task visualization abilities for Confluence to help you manage tasks more effectively.

Features Overview

  • Features Timeline: where you can visualize and manage your projects' tasks on a timeline roadmap.

  • Kanban: allows you to visualize and manage tasks systematically on a Kanban board.

  • Gantt: lets you manage tasks in a hierarchy, showing their durations in a project timeline.

Get Started

Here is a quick step-by-step guide to get you ready with Routemap for Confluence.

1. How to access Routemap for Confluence?

After the installation, there are 2 ways to access the app:

  • You can do it by locating Apps on your menu and choose Routemap.

Locate Apps-20240910-035258.jpg
  • Or you can go to your Confluence space and edit a page, then use macro /routemap to access the app.

2. Create a new board

After accessing Routemap, you can now create a new board to start visualizing and managing your tasks.


When creating a new board, you can only choose one of the 3 board types, including:

  • Features Timeline

  • Kanban

  • Gantt

3. Plan tasks in the Features Timeline

To start planning, youโ€™re required to create a new lane first.

You can easily plan new tasks by either going to Create โ†’ Task or clicking on space in the lane.

4. Visualize tasks on a Kanban

You can use this feature to manage tasks more effectively on a Kanban board.

Start by adding new columns and swimlanes to the Kanban, then you can create tasks on it.

You can always use drag-n-drop to freely adjust the order of columns and swimlanes to your preferences.

5. Manage project timeline on a Gantt Chart

You can use this feature to manage your project timeline by displaying tasks as horizontal bars along a timeline.

6. Insert Routemap board into your Confluence pages

By integrating with Confluence, you can quickly insert your Routemap board (or roadmap) into your Confluence pages, making it into a document and sharing it with your members, stakeholders, or even guests (outside users).

For more details

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