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App project settings

To access App project settings, go to ⚙️ Settings on AgileTest Sidebar → SettingsProject Settings.

Only Jira admins and Project admins can manage Agile Test project configuration

1. Test Strategies

On the first page, you can find settings for 3 Test strategies, they are:

  • Test Script: a checklist where you can write your own checklist or an outline and run tests and link defects on the fly.

  • Test Session (Exploratory Test): constituted by Test Sessions on which you could run a timer and conduct exploratory or ad-hoc tests with a single click. After finishing, you can save elapsed time, and create and link the defects directly to your Test Session.

  • Test Management (Traditional Test Management): includes Test, Test Plan, and Test Execution. This type of strategy allows you to conduct your test in traditional manner by managing these test items in order, Test PlanTest ExecutionTest.

Users can enable or disable these strategies by switching the Active toggles on the top right hand of each board.

2. Issue Type Mapping

The settings section allows users to map available issue types to their respective Agile Test items.

To learn more about creating new issue types, please refer to this document from Jira

As you may know by now, we have 5 item types in Agile Test, Test script, Test session, Test case, Test plan, and Test execution.

After you alter the mapping, the change will be reflected immediately in through out Agile Test.

3. Requirement & Defect

The final section is the Requirements & Defects. This is where users can map available issue types to Agile Test items.

A. Requirements & Defects

It is recommended to categorize Task, Story, or similar issue types under the Requirement group, and Bug under the Defect group. However, if you wish to modify this, simply drag any available issue types from the left column onto the desired groups.

Changing issue type mapping after a period of using the app could cause data lost. We recommend that you should finalize this configuration on the first access to the app in the new project. To learn more about this, please refer to this document :

B. Link settings

Right below issue type mapping, you could find the configuration for links of Requirement - Test case and Test case - Defect. In Agile Test, we provide 2 new link types, Agile Test link type and Agile Test Defect link type

AgileTest link type: this is the link type between Requirement and Test Case.

Requirement Issue Link Type

You may see additional link types in the dropdown list, representing the available link types in your instance. If you need to use a different link type, feel free to change it. Otherwise, it’s recommended to keep the default value, “AgileTest”.

Requirement Issue Link Type Direction

  • Inward option - is tested by

    • On Requirement, it is read/understood as “Requirement is tested by Test case”.

    • On Test Case, it is read as “Test case tests Requirement”.

  • Outward option - tests

    • It is read/understood backward. This is only recommended when you want to customize your link, otherwise, you should select the Inward option as the default setting.

Agile Test Defect link type

Link type between Test case and Defect. By default, it is set to AgileTest Defect.

Defect Issue Link Type Direction
  • Inward option

    • On Defect, it is read/understood as “Defect is caused by Test Case”.

    • On Test Case, it is read as “Test Case causes Defect.

  • Outward option

    • It is read/understood backward. This is only recommended when you want to customize your link, otherwise, you should select the Inward option as the default setting.

Defect Link Strategy

There are 3 options for you to select.

  1. Link Defects with Test → During testing, any Defects created will be linked to Test case tickets.

  2. Link Defects with Test Execution → During testing, any Defects created will be linked to Test execution tickets.

  3. Link Defects with Covered Issues → During testing, any Defects created will be linked to Requirement tickets.

By default, it is set to Link Defects with Test Execution.

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact here!

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