Creating Your First Accessories
What are Accessories? Accessories in AssetIT are items that you can track in bulk and do not require unique tracking with a serial number. For example, if you have multiple keyboards, mice, or any other accessory that needs to be monitored alongside primary assets, this feature allows you to do so efficiently. While each of accessory can be assigned to a user, it can also be linked to an asset, making it easier to maintain a comprehensive overview of all related items.
Navigating the Accessories Page
On the sidebar, click on the “Accessories”.

(1) Bulk Action: The Bulk Action button is a handy tool when you need to manage multiple accessories simultaneously, such as deleting or updating several items at once.
(2) Filter and Search Functions: Use these tools to refine your view by searching for specific accessories, applying filters, or customizing your view by hiding or showing columns.
(3) List Overview: The main area displays a list of all accessories currently in the system, giving you a quick overview and easy access to manage these items.
Start adding accessories to populate the Accessories list.
Adding Accessories:
There are 02 ways to create new accessories: BULK IMPORT and MANUAL SET UP.
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