Creating Your First Consumables
What are Consumables? In AssetIT, consumables refer to items that are used up or need to be replaced regularly due to wear or depletion. These can include everyday business supplies like printer ink, paper, batteries, or manufacturing materials such as semiconductor wafers and basic chemicals. Consumables are essential for both office operations and production processes, and managing them effectively helps ensure smooth operations without interruptions.
Consumables can be assigned to users.
Navigating the Consumables Page
On the sidebar, click on the “Consumables”.

(1) Bulk Action: The Bulk Action button is a handy tool when you need to manage multiple consumables simultaneously, such as deleting or updating several items at once.
(2) Filter and Search Functions: Use these tools to refine your view by searching for specific consumables, applying filters, or customizing your view by hiding or showing columns.
(3) List Overview: The main area displays a list of all consumables currently in the system, giving you a quick overview and easy access to manage these items.
Start adding consumables to populate the Consumables list.
Adding Consumables:
There are 02 ways to create new consumables: BULK IMPORT and MANUAL SET UP.
How to assign a consumable to a user?
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