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Get Started With ProScheduler

What is TeamBoard ProScheduler?

TeamBoard ProScheduler is a resource management tool for projects, programs and portfolios, providing a comprehensive way to view and plan the big picture of resource availability and utilization. It supports project managers in managing teams and offers insights into the progress of the project or program.

How to Install and Start with ProScheduler?

  1. Go to the Atlassian Marketplace and search for “TeamBoard ProScheduler”, or use this link.

  2. Choose Your Hosting (Cloud, Server or Data Center)

  3. Click 'Try it free.'

  4. Now, you can start using TeamBoard 🎉

Access to TeamBoard

After installing TeamBoard ProScheduler, you can access the app via the menu by selecting “Apps => 'ProScheduler.'


Access to TeamBoard.png

The Other way: Upon installation, you can access The TeamBoard Project within the Jira project by navigating to the bottom left and selecting 'TeamBoard'


Access to TeamBoard 2.png

How will ProScheduler help your Team?

  • Advanced Resource Planning: Utilize the Calendar view to gain a big picture of resource availability and utilization, ensuring efficient allocation and management.

  • Workload Management: Plan tasks and monitor utilization with ease, moving away from traditional spreadsheets to a more integrated Issues Table, allowing for direct management of Jira issues.

  • Visual Project Tracking: Benefit from Gantt charts and Timelines for a visual representation of project timelines and progress.

  • Efficient Time Tracking: Implement inline time tracking for tasks, contributing to accurate project time management and interactive time reports.

  • Comprehensive Reporting: Access detailed reports and dashboards for a clear overview of project health and progress, aiding in informed decision-making.

  • Risk Management (Coming Soon): Stay ahead of potential project risks with upcoming features dedicated to risk assessment and mitigation

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