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GanttTable for Jira is a powerful project management tool that combines the flexibility of spreadsheets with the visual clarity of Gantt charts. Time to plan...


Getting Started

Welcome to GanttTable, your ultimate solution for managing Jira issues from multiple projects in one portfolio board. By combining the advanced features of a...

User Guide

Welcome to the GanttTable User Guide. Our goal is to guide you through all the features and help you get the most out of GanttTable for the finest experience...


This series is created to offer you practical, visual instructions for mastering GanttTable. Each video walks you through key features and processes with str...

Release Notes

This is where you can find the release notes for every new version of GanttTable for Jira.


This is where you’ll find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about GanttTable. Security Where is data stored? Your data is stored on Google C...

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