Get Started with TeamBoard for
Welcome to TeamBoard - Resource Management and Time Tracking Tool for!
What is TeamBoard for
Key Features
Resource Management: Resouce Scheduling | Workload Management | Working Capacity & Holiday Calendar | Recurring Tasks | Calendar View.
Time Tracking: Time Log | Timesheets Approval Workflow.
Dashboard & Reports
Check out the videos in this playlist to see how to use TeamBoard for
Getting Started for Admins, Resource Managers, Project Managers,…
Getting Started for Members
Tips and Best Practices
Use Color Schemes: Differentiate tasks by group or status with color schemes.
Switch Work Hour Format: Display total task hours instead of hours/day.
Edit Multiple Tasks Simultaneously: Make bulk changes to tasks for consistency.
Timeframe: Tracking the scheduled hours and the status of tasks within that period.
Contact Support Anytime: Email support for assistance whenever needed.
Calendar view: Manage tasks, holidays, schedules, and resources in a comprehensive calendar.
Filtering Assignees: This feature lets you focus on specific team members by filtering out others
For more tips: learn the details in the User Guide, FAQs, and Use Cases
📖 Support and Resources
Help Center: Visit our Help Center for detailed documentation.
Contact Support: Reach out to our support team here.
Book a demo: Schedule a demo for personalized guidance.
Tutorial Videos: Watch our tutorial videos for more help.
Customer Portal: See Roadmap and Request a Feature.
Happy planning and organizing! ♥️